Grand Assembly

Each year the Assemblies in Montana hold a two to three day session of meetings that is known as Grand Assembly.  The location of Montana's Grand Assembly rotates to the closest local assembly of that of the newly installed Grand Worthy Advisor.  Any member of the Order of Rainbow may attend the sessions.

Grand Officers are elected and appointed by the Grand Assembly.  Grand Officers and Grand Representatives wear long dresses that are chosen by the Grand Worthy Advisor.  Grand Choir members (any girl of the Order may sign up to participate in the choir) are asked to wear long dresses of their choosing.  Local Assemblies perform skits for entertainment and fun events change each year.


Grand Assembly 2024 - 2025


Dates: June 20-22, 2025

Location: Masonic Temple, Missoula, MT

Host Assembly: Garden City Assembly #55











 Check out Montana Grand Assemblies' Fundraiser (login instructions found under Resources)